share skills and fun

Womennet.eu activities
Monthly womennet meeting – every 3rd Sunday of the month
16h to 19h at Ribeiro Joaninho
The womennet monthly meeting is meant to be an opportunity to spend quality time together. Time to do things like painting, meditation, yoga, dance, talk about the things that bother us, discuss a certain subject or whatever else the participants suggest. The idea is for each meeting to be prepared and led by a different woman. (This is not an obligation but an invitation, i.e. you only do it if you want to. Hopefully, in time, we will all feel free and confident enough to animate a meeting.)
A meeting starts with a 30-45 minute sharing round during which every woman gets the opportunity to say how she is, what she has been up to, what is on her mind...Then, for an hour or an hour and a half, the "moderator" presents whatever she has prepared. Afterwards, we will have time to have a cup of tea, share a bit of finger food, maybe go over some of what we have been doing throughout the afternoon, chat..
Any questions, do not hesitate to contact us either by email or mobile 915996990 (Andrea's number).
Looking forward to seeing you!
Regular activities
Inner Circle
Every first Sunday of the month at Ribeiro Joaninho - 16h - 19h.
The inner circle is a new initiative to give the participants the opportunity to express themselves on a more personal level. We will use imagery, music, painting etc. as vehicles to connect to ourselves and each other so that deeper issues can surface. But it can also be an extended sharing round depending on the needs of the group.
Yoga Class
Weekly Yoga classes in Pedrogao Pequeno (Junta de Freguesia, 1st floor)
Wednesdays mornings 10.30 to 12.00.
Price: 5EUR per class.
This is a drop-in class but please contact me if you want to come so that I can bring enough mats.
Conact: Bruni Maslen Tel. 00351 236 488 047 Email: info@ahimsa-portugal.com
(If you hold classes on a regular basis and you would like them to be on this page, send us the details and a nice photo and we will put everything on for you.)
What's on
For the womennet events, please have a look on our facebook page"
(Do you know of any events that would be of general interest? Please let us know and we will publish them here.)