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When we are dreaming alone...
...it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of a new reality. (Hélder Câmara, liberation theologist)
The "Visions" page provides a space where you can share those dreams that are too big to realise on your own. Others, who read your vision may have the same or a very similar wish. "Dreaming" together can generate enough momentum for the dream to become reality.
This page is for you to express freely what you would love to see happen. Do not limit yourself, many things that sounded crazy in the beginning are quite normal today.
If you have a vision, please send us your dream, together with a picture, and we will put it on this page.

Christiane's vision
My vision is , that a number of interested women (or people) join and launch together a certain project. One could invest their time help finance it or provide a room etc. and like this we even can create jobs. Those working there would then, in time, run the project independently and pay back the initial investment.
Personaly, I would love : a women's choir singing swinging, "jazzy" music, with an enthusiastic, professional leader and performances at birthday parties, local festivities, house warming parties etc...
A small gym, maybe in Figueiro, with classes like aerobics, yoga, pilates...possibly with massages and spinal treatments. Maybe little by little, it even could become a health centre with different therapists working there.
A little cafe or restaurant with vegetarian and vegan food throughout the day with a swap corner for books and DVD's, an info board, without TV running but with nice little arm chairs and a cappucino machine. Maybe a little event every once in a while, like a gig, movie or an exhibition.