share skills and fun

We are working on a lovely meeting room...
More images soon!
Meeting Room in Pedrógão Grande
We have a 16sqm meeting room available in Ribeiro Joaninho, Pedrógão Grande with tables and chairs and meditation cussions and that is heatable in the winter.
If you want to organise a workshop, day-course, music event or a regular class, you can book the room for the date(s) of your activity. We will agree a price to cover running costs (cleaning, water, electric and fire wood in the winter).
The room can also be used for little celebrations that fit into the framework of womennet.eu. Please contact us for further details.
Here is how to find the room:
Coming from the IC8, take the exit Pedrógão Grande Norte. If you are coming from the direction of Figueiró dos Vinhos, you will see a little sign to Ribeiro Joaninho just after the big bend on your right hand side. Coming from the direction of Sertã, you will get to a T-junction. Turn right and the sign to Ribeiro Joaninho is on your left. Follow the small road for about 200m and park your car. Then walk down the (quite steep) path on the left hand side.