share skills and fun

Skills Exchange - the concept
The skills exchange is based on a very basic concept. Offering our own skills or services to others on a personal basis in exchange for the skills and/or services that they can offer us in return. A kind of skills / services swap shop or bartering service.
We all have things we like doing and/or are good at doing. Why not make them available to others and get other things, we're not that good at or can't do on our own, in return? In this way, we get to know new people, learn from each other and get work done. It's often much more fun doing things together than sitting at a table drinking coffee or beer.
Apart from the social aspect, there is the economic one. By making our time mutually available, we circumnavigate the money aspect. While there is nothing wrong with paid services, it is more personal and involved to exchange services directly. Some have more time than money and an exchange might enable them to get something done that otherwise they would have to save up for over a longer period of time.
Skills can be virtually anything. You don't have to be a professional in order to take part. You can offer anything from computer programming to cleaning, from roofing to baby sitting.
Unless agreed otherwise, the exchange is based on the time spent. However, some of you might value an hour of reflexology higher than an hour of weeding. It is up to the women involved in the exchange to agree on this.
To begin with, the exchange will probably have to be between two women, i.e. you give back to the person you have received a service from. Over time, we would like to be able to introduce some kind of token so that there is a greater flexibility of exchange. If you have any ideas around this subject or would like to be actively involved in the organisation of the skills exchange, please let us know!
If you wish to offer your skills on womennet.eu, please send us the name under which you would like to be known, a short description of what you have to offer, a contact email address and how you value an hour of your work (measured against basic work like cleaning or weeding).